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2017-01-16 21:55:50

PUBLIC NOTICE Albanian American Association Election of Officers Sunday, January 22, 2017 4:00 pm Eagle Café Detroit Avenue at W. 111th Street The Albanian American Association will hold an election of officers. There are 11 Trustee positions open. You must pay your 2017 dues at this organizational meeting to be eligible to vote. The following are the offices of Trustee-Chairpersons that will be elected. You must be present to be nominated and elected and be prepared to give a short background statement about yourself and why you are running for the position. Please determine which Trustee position you are running for based on your interest and ability to perform the duties as described below. Each of the following Board of Trustee positions comes with a responsibility that includes, but is not limited to the description below. • Chairperson – Chairman --- The Chairman will be responsible for overseeing the operations of the organization. The chairman will call and conduct public meetings for members on a quarterly basis and call other meetings as deemed necessary. At the quarterly meetings, each Trustee will be required to give reports on their committee activities. The Chairman will be the official spokesperson for the organization. • Chairperson – President --- The President will assume the duties of the Chairman in their absence as Acting Chairperson. The President will be responsible for translation of documents and domestic and international correspondence and outreach to Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia and United States in coordination with the Chairman. • Chairperson – Vice- President --- The Vice President will be responsible for translating the Constitution and By-Laws of the Albanian American Association of Cleveland into English. The Vice-President will work with the Chairman and President on any updates or amendments to the Constitution which would come before the paid members for a vote. The Vice-President will assume the President’s duties in their absence. • Chairperson – Secretary --- The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes and keeping them in a chronological order. The Secretary will report the minutes at each subsequent meeting. These minutes will be public and kept in archives and will be the possession of the organization and turned over to successive Secretary’s in the event of a change in the person holding the position. • Chairperson --- Treasurer – The Treasurer will be responsible for keeping the financial records of the Albanian American Organization. The Treasurer will pay bills approved by the Chairman, President and Vice-President. The Treasurer will give a report of receipts and expenditures at the quarterly meetings and will file the yearly IRS statements for the organization. • Chairperson --- Membership – The Membership Chairperson will be responsible for recruiting members, collection of dues, sending out confirmation of membership and maintaining a database of member’s names, home address, phone numbers and e-mail address. The membership Chairman will provide the updated paid membership list at each quarterly meeting and will be responsible for having a current list for Association voting purposes. The Chairperson will turn dues over to the Treasurer for deposit. • Chairperson – Internet Technology – The Internet Technology (IT) Chairperson will be responsible for maintaining the organizations Website and Face book page. The IT Chair will update official information as deemed appropriate by the Chairman and/or the Board of Trustees. • Chairperson --- Albanian Cultural Garden – The Chairperson will be responsible for the upkeep and improvements to the Albanian Cultural Garden including the cleaning and maintenance of the Statue of Mother Teresa and the Fountain. The Chairperson of the Albanian Garden will also serve as the Delegate to the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation and must attend their official Delegate meetings representing the Albanian Garden. The Chair will also form a Garden Club to assist in cleaning, planting and maintaining the Garden. • Chairperson --- Education – The Education Chairperson will be responsible for establishing Albanian and English language classes for the community. The Chairman of Culture will assist in this endeavor. The Chair of Education will be an alternate delegate to the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation and attend meetings for delegates as called by the CCGF. The Chair of Culture will report to the Albanian Garden Chairperson and attend delegate meetings in their absence. • Chairperson --- Culture – The Chairperson of Culture will be responsible for organizing Albanian folk dancing and singing classes. They will also be responsible for organizing the community’s participation in the Cleveland Cultural Garden One World Day Parade and other cultural events. The Chair of Culture will be an alternate delegate to the Cleveland Cultural Garden Federation and attend meetings for delegates as called by the CCGF. The Chair of Culture will report to the Albanian Garden Chairperson and attend delegate meetings in their absence. • Chairperson --- Events – The Chairperson of Events will be responsible for organizing Fundraisers to benefit the Albanian American Association in addition to organizing the annual Albanian Independence Day Party and other events as requested and approved by the Board. The Events Chair will assemble a committee to assist in event organizing. After the election of the Board of Trustees, the Board will appoint a Sergeant at Arms to keep order at meetings.

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